
Course Description

RISD CE course: The History of Product Design

History is powerful; a basic understanding of design's history and familiarity with important design movements and designers provides a rich foundation for creative, innovative work. This course comprehensively surveys the ideas, events, manufacturers, design-related companies and individuals that determined the design of objects across cultures and societies, plus innovations in technology and material use, the development of sales, marketing, and user-focused designing, and the history of the design process. Students examine social, political, and cultural contexts that shape product design. We present the history of industrial design in a way that expands students' visual vocabulary and links precedent to today's studio work. The lectures chronologically review the industrial design profession and its antecedents. By examining the work of key designers past and present, we can better identify our own interests and concerns, and avoid repeating mistakes navigated in the past.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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