
Course Description

RISD CE course: Printmaking: Reinvigorating the Artist's Landscape

Landscapes and the natural world are some of the oldest, most quintessential inspirations for artists. However, this subject matter can easily fall into cliché. Working at Tillinghast Farm, this course allows students to search for answers and explore how to reinvigorate their connection to today's complex natural landscape. Students create imagery that reflects individual interests in nature, using both representational and metaphorical ways, while utilizing printmaking in direct and immediate responses. Students learn a variety of techniques, including relief printmaking blocks, pochoir stencils, and rubbings. They work on-site, generating quick and spontaneous images, while exploring alternative ways of printing along with image making. Bookmaking possibilities are also explored, as students compile a series of final images that reflect their unique and contemporary relationship to the natural world.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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