
Course Description

RISD CE course: Drawing with Color

When making the leap from drawing to painting, the two largest hurdles an artist faces are learning how to work with color, and learning the technical aspects of a wet medium. This course seeks to break down that process by focusing on how to use color with an already-familiar drawing medium: crayon or pastel. By using a dry medium akin to pencil and charcoal, students are able to focus on composition, color and value issues, without the additional stress of learning a new medium. Working with the rich but limited color palette of pastels and crayons also helps eliminate the most common mistake of beginning painters: muddy colors. This course thoroughly investigates color, including hue, value, saturation, warm/cool colors, flesh tones, and the effect of light and shade on color. It also approaches form from a more painterly shape-oriented perspective. Students gain confidence and skills in both drawing and color, working from still-life and the model, as they consider moving into painting.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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