
Course Description

RISD CE course: Illustration Studio: Cut Paper

Making images from cut paper is an effective way to create strong, dramatic images and tell evocative stories. Students are shown how to work with paper and a precision knife, how to glue and provide structure, how to produce artwork that stands the test of time, what to consider when photographing and printing images of their art, and what to take into account when showing original artwork in a gallery setting. During class, students create cut paper pieces while practicing techniques demonstrated by the instructor. Students work on their individual designs, obtaining inspiration from imagination, memory or printed references while exploring the possibilities of this medium. Examples of work by cut-paper artists from around the world are shown, with emphasis on technique, approach and style. Cut paper techniques are an excellent addition to all artists' and illustrators' tool kits, and could possibly be the ultimate way to find a favorite way of working and expression.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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