
Course Description

RISD CE kids camp: Spiraling Through Nature

Spirals reflect the repetition of a simple number pattern found in nature and have been used in art throughout the centuries. Examining spirals led to the discovery of the golden ratio and the Fibonacci number sequence found in an apple and on our own faces. In this exciting adventure, natural spirals such as moon shells from the RISD beach and pinecones from a tall pine on Tillinghast Place are inspirations for drawing, painting, sculpting and printmaking. Young artists create artworks reflecting these discoveries in the world around them and gain a greater appreciation of their own artwork and the artwork of others. Our exploration includes the symbolic use of spirals in aboriginal art; balance and movement in the sculptures of Alexander Calder; and the abstract simplified interpretations of shells painted by Georgia O'Keeffe. These and the beauty of the Tillinghast Place campus inspire and guide us as we problem solve and create spiral-based art.

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