
Course Description

RISD CE course: Japanese Book Arts Workshop: Japanese Papermaking

Japanese Book Arts Workshops

The Japanese have a unique tradition of producing beautiful paper, books and boxes. Explore these traditional approaches to crafting handmade objects in a series of three workshops. The Japanese aesthetic, based on deep respect for ancient methods and motifs, is discussed in each program, providing a context for participants as they investigate possibilities for content and produce their own objects. The workshops are designed as building blocks so that papers can be used to create books, and boxes can be constructed to hold projects made in previous workshops. However, each class is structured to provide an individual, unique learning experience as well. Throughout, examples of Japanese papers, books, calligraphy and objects are available for inspiration and discussion.

Japanese Papermaking
Working with Asian fibers such as kozo and gampi, participants learn traditional papermaking methods to create thin, translucent sheets of paper. Flowers, grasses and fibers, or more unusual objects such as silk threads, photos, fragments of text and seed pods, may be layered between these sheets. Participants leave class with a variety of handmade papers.

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