
Course Description

RISD CE course: Sewing: Intermediate

Have you recently bought a sewing machine, but don't know where to start? This course will familiarize you with your sewing machine and sewing kit equipment, and basic sewing skills including stitching techniques. You'll also receive guidance on how to avoid common problems like bunching and jamming. You'll create a sample sewing notebook (a professional must), learn basic seam construction, and add to it each week. You'll practice sewing procedures by creating simple items like pillows in the first two sessions, aprons in the next two, and tote bags in sessions five and six. At the end of the final session, you'll participate in a group discussion and critique of finished work. Note: Bring your own sewing machine to class; required sewing accessories/tools are indicated in the supply list. Please note that in addition to the lab fee, you can expect to have to buy additional supplies for this course. We try to keep this cost under $100, but for specialized courses (jewelry, wood, metals) this may be higher.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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