
Course Description

Artwork by N. Micu

Ink is beloved by illustrators, comic book artists and designers alike. It allows you to create crisp, precise linework or build up depth with delicate washes. Guided exercises will walk you through how to show a range of lighting conditions. Experiment with mark-making techniques such as cross-hatching and stippling. Learn how to make softly stippled value shifts or bold and high-contrast shadows. This course is the next step for aspiring illustrators. Get your sketchbooks ready for this timeless medium.

Learner Outcomes

Learning outcomes in this investigation include:

  • Expand technical skills of rendering in ink
  • Gain an understanding of how to render light and shadow
  • Explore traditional and modern ink drawing techniques and tools
  • Build confidence in working in non-erasable media



Students must be 13-17 years of age.


Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Online, Asynchronous
Oct 12, 2024 to Nov 16, 2024
Online, Live Sessions
7:00PM to 8:00PM
Oct 17, 2024 to Nov 14, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $370.00 Click here to get more information
Drop Request Deadline
Nov 02, 2024
Transfer Request Deadline
Jul 30, 2024 to Oct 10, 2024
Withdrawal Request Deadline
Oct 12, 2024 to Nov 16, 2024
Necessary Supplies

Students are responsible for purchasing their own art supplies, equipment, software subscriptions, and/or books. For most classes, the cost is under $75 (estimate). A supply list will be available on the course site in Canvas at least 30 days prior to the first day of class. 

Once you have received your enrollment confirmation and logged in to Canvas, navigate to Upcoming Courses on the left-hand side of your dashboard. Supplies will be listed on your course homepage under the supplies heading. Some or all of your course supplies are available at the RISD Store.

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